

I'm Michael Loren (aka Mike Woolsey of River Falls, Wisconsin) . This web site features my photography, but I also maintain a blog with ChatGPT and I post videos on YouTube too.  I'm web content coordinator at my local university and I'm also the general manager of the campus radio station, WRFW-FM

Photographers Alec Soth, Stephen Shore, Vivian Maier, Bernd and Hilla Becher, and William Eggleston influence my work. “Photography gets us out of the house,” said Eggleston; sometimes, for me, this is the most important thing.

Shooting from the Hip

Shooting from the hip with my cellphone is my preferred method of "street photography" and a fun pasttime.  (See "Street Photography" below.)  


Publishing books is cost prohibitive for me, so I compile PDF monographs of my work. 
"PDF Books" are 2 to 25 megabytes and may take time to display.

Variations of the Unrelated

Following are the annual compendiums of photos I've taken that I find notable. Scrolling through each one may seem like the year I lived was a strange dream.  Each "book" is a PDF.

2023 Retrospective

Navigating icy expanses on regional rivers and lakes, strange moments with family and musicians, exploring  Mexico, Italy, DC, and Lawrence, Kansas.  View this odd dream of a year in photographs (PDF).

Michael Loren Woolsey | aka Mike Woolsey | River Falls, Wisconsin |